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Heart Box

physics puzzle game


Download APK for Android 5.1+ 0.2.41 Free 29.63 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Pass the test strip to recharge the robot

Video of Heart Box
Screenshot Heart Box 1
Screenshot Heart Box 2
Screenshot Heart Box 3
Screenshot Heart Box 4
Screenshot Heart Box 5
Screenshot Heart Box 6
Screenshot Heart Box 7
Screenshot Heart Box 8

Dr. Rat is a great researcher, engineer and designer who loves all sorts of experiences and experiments from the field of applied physics. The professor’s portfolio contains many interesting discoveries and achievements, but his main pride is a robot named Robbie, designed on his own using improvised parts, based on a lithium battery that needs constant recharging.

It is this technical gadget that will be the protagonist of the physical puzzle from the RAD BROTHERS studio called Heart Box . All actions in the game take place within the framework of a miniature laboratory, along the entire perimeter of which, as expected, there are zones with obstacles and auxiliary objects, using them the gamer needs to deliver the cubic character to the charging point.

In general, the presentation of the story by the creators of the project turned out to be interesting, and no more than a couple of minutes are allotted for the concept of the basics and the study of the control system, after which the gamer proceeds to independently solve numerous puzzles. There are only three active buttons on the screen – a quick start key, a gear with settings and a zone with tips that, if necessary, will hint at the correct algorithm of actions and subsequent moves.

Each level Heart Box is a chaotic concentration of objects, with the help of which Robbie should be promoted to a special point, where his battery is recharged. Boards, slabs, wobbly structures that are ready to fall apart at the first touch, bowling balls, fans, all kinds of buttons and so on – how to use all this stuff is up to the user to decide, moreover, the solution is far from always on the surface, and, therefore, at later levels, you will have to experiment for a long time and constantly.

The Heart Box project is endowed with three key elements that distinguish it from other competitors: many levels with a unique interior, believable mechanics of interaction with surrounding objects, and colorful graphics with animated plot inserts. This puzzle is sure to attract the attention of a wide audience – some will be hooked by difficult challenges, some will like the unusual concept, and some will be fascinated by the detailed global rating, which intelligently arranges the best players in the rank system, setting them up for serious competition.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 5.1 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.radbrothers.heartbox
License Free app
Date updated Jun 11, 2024
Number of downloads 154
Available languages

English (+91 localizations)

Download Heart Box

Download Heart Box (0.2.41) APK
ARMv8, ARMv6, ARMv7, x86, x86-64
29.63 MB

How to Install Heart Box on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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Global rating: 4.2 (63.2K)

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