Wheel of Fortune Free Play is a mobile quiz created according to the pattern of the American television show “Wheel of Fortune”, the task of which is to guess a piece of a crossword puzzle by the participants, and valuable prizes that randomly drop out after the player spins a large fair wheel. There are spectacular shows of this format in almost every country, and although they are called differently, the principle is the same – to guess the word made by the organizers faster than other participants.
After a short tutorial chapter, the player finds himself on an impressive Wheel of Fortune Free Play global map, where he will have to travel, competing with other real users from all over the world. So, after the start of the round, you need to spin the wheel, then look at the result, for example, $ 100, if the named letter is present in the word on the screen, take your honestly earned money and spin the wheel again. Well, or you can try to immediately name the word, if you are sure of the correct answer!
In addition to cash prizes, there are Wheel of Fortune Free Play within the framework and a special currency – pink crystals, which allow you to buy tips and other “goodies” as needed that increase your chances of winning. The novelty from Scopely studio meets novice scholars with rich graphic design, many locations around the world with appropriate attributes, for example, the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, the Taj Mahal and many other recognizable places and attractions. As a result, it should be said that among other analogues on the vastness of Google Play, this quiz takes, if not the first, then an honorably high place!
Wheel of Fortune: TV Game download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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