Quiz and trivia

Logo quiz gamesquestion and answerTrivia games

Top 10: Best free Quiz and trivia

  1. Millionaire: Trivia Quiz Game APK
  2. Guess Their Answer APK
  3. Wheel of Fortune: TV Game APK
  4. Guess the Logo APK
  5. Loco APK
  6. Word Link APK
  7. Trivia Crack 2 APK
  8. Trivia Crack APK
  9. QuizzLand APK
  10. Brain Test APK
Quiz and trivia for Android – Free Apps to Download

Quiz and Trivia games are created for enthusiasts who want to exercise their brains and test their knowledge. This category of games is for true connoisseurs. The Wikipedia portal defines a quiz as a game with pre-prepared tasks that require correct answers to the given questions. The game rules involve thematic guessing, all accompanied by fun blitz questions. A prize is provided for correct answers in each task.

Games in this category are usually very simple and not demanding in terms of the power of the gaming device, as they have simple graphics and interfaces. Here, knowledge is more important than the colourful gameplay. Each victory is marked by a sound of triumphant celebration or a bright video effect.

Quizzes differ from each other in terms of themes, it can be a geography quiz, word guessing, or logic puzzles. Popular games include “Flag Quiz,” “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,” “Guess the Brand by the Logo,” and others. As a rule, these games are available for all operating systems on which most users use phones or tablets.

These games are beneficial for connoisseurs of any age, as they enrich their knowledge, develop the ability to think logically, and stimulate brain activity. Quizzes occupy leading positions in terms of the number of downloads.