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Plants vs. Zombies 3


Download APK for Android 5.1+ 12.0.13 Free 198.21 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Protect the city from zombie attacks and save residents from darkness and danger!

Video of Plants vs. Zombies 3
Screenshot Plants vs. Zombies 3 1
Screenshot Plants vs. Zombies 3 2
Screenshot Plants vs. Zombies 3 3
Screenshot Plants vs. Zombies 3 4
Screenshot Plants vs. Zombies 3 5
Screenshot Plants vs. Zombies 3 6

The good old wars with large crowds of zombies are back with new adventures. This is a well-known and not yet forgotten game Plants vs. Zombies 3 that is filled with new meaning and heroes who defend themselves from zombie attacks. These are familiar battles where we need to restore Neighborville while repelling attacks from monsters.

According to the new scenario, Dr. Zomboss has turned this place into a prosperous and impenetrable paradise for thousands of zombies. You have a difficult journey ahead of you with your friends and the superhero Dave through the foggy distances. These are the craziest battles with the forces of darkness that must put an end to the reign of Dr. Zomboss in the city. These are difficult and dangerous battles with a horde of zombies, but they are worth it, because the residents of Neighborville will be very grateful to you.

You are about to play the most crazy and wild zombie killing games. Develop an effective strategy and fight online against smart enemies using your puzzle-solving skills on the fly. These tests can finally resolve the issue of occupying the city and fighting off the ruthless mutants. Together with a team of professionals, you can drive out the zombies and deprive them of power. Therefore, welcome to Zomburia and good luck with the game.

Solve the problem and give the correct answer to the age-old questions: Will plants save people before they are destroyed by zombies? Will your friends and Dave be able to get to Professor Zomboss and change his mind?


  • Battles with new types of zombies with the help of a flower army. New characters and unique locations.
  • Rewards for each level for you and your team. Discover new adventures and more recent stories of battles with hordes of mutants.
  • Travele through the foggy thickets of Neighborville and pave the way for the team to decorate the path to victory. discover previously unexplored areas of the city and guide characters there.
  • Explore exciting action games in the highly anticipated third installment of the game. Solve many puzzles and use a powerful arsenal of fuses. This is the best online strategy that combines shooting zombies and solving problems.
  • Each battle increases your rank, and participation in competitions will help you get rewards for building a shelter.

Install Plants vs. Zombies 3 and discover a whole new adventure. Bring a team of flower explorers behind you and explore the new game together.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 5.1 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID
License Free app
Date updated May 18, 2024
Number of downloads 17
Available languages

English (+90 localizations)

Download Plants vs. Zombies 3

Download Plants vs. Zombies 3 (12.0.13) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7
198.21 MB

How to Install Plants vs. Zombies 3 on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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