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Solve math problems and equations with your mobile device's camera

Socratic – when such portable electronic computing devices as calculators became available to the general public, many school teachers were seriously upset – after all, with such assistants, many children simply stopped performing simple arithmetic operations on their own. Fortunately, with the advent of modern smartphones and tablets, the full automation of the process of solving mathematical problems has faded into the background, as there are already enough applications that not only give an answer, but also explain the solution process itself.

The Socratic program will be a great helper for those who did not know or simply forgot mathematical formulas and rules, including parents who want to quickly check their homework. This useful tool works according to the following principle – using the camera built into your mobile device, you just need to take a picture of a task or an example, after which the program will instantly perform all the necessary computational actions. This tool works with simple arithmetic, decimals, fractions, linear equations, logarithms, and so on.

The developers focus on the fact that their product is designed not only to give the final result, but to show the user step by step and in detail the progress of solving a problem or equation – this is a kind of free tutor. If at the beginning of the path Socratic was able to recognize only printed text, now it easily “works” with handwritten characters. The application interface is made only in English, but this will not be a big problem, because the language of numbers is mainly used in the process of work, and, as you know, it is international.

Screen Captures

Screenshot Socratic 1
Screenshot Socratic 2
Screenshot Socratic 3
Screenshot Socratic 4

Technical specifications of the latest version 1.8.1

System requirements: Requires a smartphone or tablet running Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or higher.

Additional Information
Package Name (Google Play Store ID)
Author (Developer) Socratic
License Free app
Date updated Sep 4, 2023
Number of downloads 177
Genre Educational / Mobile gaming

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Get the Latest Version (1.8.1) - Free & Safe Download

Download Socratic apk 1.8.1
File size: 5.40 MB arm64-v8a, armeabi, armeabi-v7a, mips, mips64, x86, x86_64 Original full version without MODs

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