Pokémon Playhouse is an adventure in the universe of pocket monsters for the youngest users aged three to five years. Populate a large house with Pokémon by completing tasks and watching with bated breath as the babies emerge from the eggs. Pikachu, Charizard, Evie, Lucario, Mewtwo, Espurr and dozens of other cute creatures are ready to become the inhabitants of a virtual home.
The adventure begins from the main hall, where the main character tells the player about the purpose of each of the rooms. Playroom – collect puzzles, search with a flashlight for pocket monsters in a dark location, learn the stories of each character by reading colorfully illustrated editions.
Head to the attic to search the night sky for constellations of Pokémon with a telescope, or play music by tapping on note characters in a given sequence. Don’t forget to feed the cute pets – move to the kitchen and intelligently distribute vegetables and fruits among the eaters.
- children’s entertainment application with an educational focus;
- help the creatures get out of the egg by completing fun tasks;
- several rooms with a set of original challenges;
- colorful graphics and original sounds.
There are many fun and exciting mini-games in the Pokémon Playhouse application – the child decides for himself when and what to do, with pleasure watching how the collection of devoted creatures grows.
Pokémon Playhouse download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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