The next season of the popular children’s animated series “Winx Club” gave young viewers not only another portion of rich and exciting plot events in tandem with the tragicomic adventures of the main characters, but also opened up to them the amazingly beautiful universe of the Endless Ocean. It was this world that became the inspiration for the studio Tsumanga Studios Ltd to create a colorful arcade race called Winx Sirenix Power ! Go to the underwater kingdom, because dynamic races can quench your thirst for adrenaline and passions!
Gamers will have to make their way through colorful rings as quickly as possible, look for valuable items, useful power-ups and nice bonuses, completing the tasks of the plot – saving comrades and overthrowing numerous opponents! For a quality passage of the novelty Winx Sirenix Power it will be difficult to do without a full-fledged training stage, which will tell young riders in detail about the features of the control system, introduce them to competent movement through underwater locations and the correct execution of special movements.
All this is provided in the location for beginners – find out all the secrets of Winx Sirenix Power and, armed with valuable knowledge, go to the halls of Tritannus, who intends to plunge the ocean into chaos and hopeless darkness! Pump up your ward by purchasing amplifiers, reliable shields and magical abilities in the virtual store. Choose any of the characters from the Club Winx series (Bloom, Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna and Layla) and travel through an underwater universe decorated with beautiful coral statues, fantastic algae and sparkling jewels. It remains to download the new product and fight the main villain!
Winx Club: Winx Sirenix Power download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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