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Bridge Constructor Playground


Download APK for Android 4.1+ 5.0 Free 25.28 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Challenge yourself as a civil engineer and build strong bridges across deep gorges and wide rivers in this exciting game!

Video of Bridge Constructor Playground
Screenshot Bridge Constructor Playground 1
Screenshot Bridge Constructor Playground 2
Screenshot Bridge Constructor Playground 3
Screenshot Bridge Constructor Playground 4
Screenshot Bridge Constructor Playground 5

Feel like a bridge construction engineer and take a short course in bridge construction by installing the Bridge Constructor Playground application. This game is suitable for players of any age and will prove to each of you that nothing is impossible. Erase all the boundaries of your imagination and do not deny yourself anything.

The application offers us 30 exciting levels where you need to build bridges across deep gorges and wide rivers. Build beautiful and strong bridges across the canals, and then test their strength. All this is done as in real life – a lot of trucks and passenger wheeled vehicles are allowed across the bridge, which will test the ability of your structure to withstand such a load.

The game is not very complicated and requires a design approach to solving problems. The gameplay also includes a training part, where you are provided with an almost complete guide to the construction of bridge structures without any restrictions. Let your imagination have no limits, and you, build whatever you want. It is almost impossible to keep track of the time you spend playing the game, since the process is addictive and seductive with its uniqueness.

The reward system for a successfully completed project will allow you to win 5 badges for one bridge. This is just fine, since meeting the requirements of the game is not so easy. You will have to deal with complex design constraints from the construction client. But experienced players will definitely like it, because no one will be afraid of additional difficulties, which makes the game even more exciting.


  • 5 types of landscape and terrain for building a bridge (mountains, canyon, beach, hills, city);
  • Map of the area with step-by-step unlocking of additional locations:
  • Comprehensive training course and introductory part;
  • System of award badges for successful builders;
  • A variety of materials for the construction of bridges (wood, metal, steel ropes, concrete piles), etc.;
  • Display of the load of each of the structural elements displayed as a percentage and color strength markers;
  • Various load levels for cars and trucks;
  • Convenient and beautiful gameplay.

Convenient gameplay and colorful design of the game make it accessible and interesting for all family members. Let building bridges become a fun activity for the whole family, and let the game Bridge Constructor Playground bring only joy.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 4.1 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.headupgames.bridgeconstructorplaygroundfree
Developer Headup
License Free app
Date updated Jun 19, 2024
Number of downloads 8
Available languages

English (+83 localizations)

Download Bridge Constructor Playground

Download Bridge Constructor Playground (5.0) APK
25.28 MB

How to Install Bridge Constructor Playground on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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