Taonga Island Adventure: Farm – casual adventures in the Taonga archipelago, where the main character ended up as a result of a series of inexplicable events. One day, Samantha receives a letter from Uncle Alan, who disappeared fifteen years ago, from which she learns that their mutual friends from the Quinoa tribe are in trouble. Without hesitation, the girl goes to the island to clarify the situation and, if necessary, provide all possible help to her friends.
This is a classic farm simulator, and therefore the user will enjoy casual gameplay, intuitive mechanics and one-touch controls. To progress and get closer to solving the mystery of Alan’s disappearance, the player only needs to complete tasks that are regularly updated in the diary. The missions are mostly primitive, and to complete them you will need to collect a given set of items or resources. Renovate bungalows, plant a miniature field with wheat, bake bread, raise animals, collect eggs from chickens, restore a boat to freely travel around the island’s locations.
- fun casual adventure for children and adults;
- one-touch construction, farming and trading;
- help local residents and get rewards;
- unpredictable twists in the storyline;
- magazine with current tasks.
Casual simulator Taonga Island Adventure will delight the player with colorful graphics, friendly gameplay and inventive tasks. Complete missions, go deeper into the jungle, interact with colorful characters and find out where your beloved uncle has disappeared to.
Taonga Island Adventure download: Explore, create, and connect with a massive community. A new world awaits! Be a part of something amazing. Be a part of something amazing.
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