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Pooking - Billiards City


Download APK for Android 4.4W+ 3.0.84 Free 80.08 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Become the leader of the world billiards championship

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A realistic immersion into the world of green cloth, polished balls and a custom-made cue, as well as high stakes and unexpected victories – the sports project Pooking - Billiards City provides all this virtually at the start thanks to a full-fledged training phase. Practice hitting techniques with ball twisting, learn the basic rules and master the art of masterfully accurate strikes in a couple of fleeting minutes. Then start a series of quick games, and then turn your attention to more prestigious championships.

Can you handle Pooking - Billiards City any opponents during the game without any problems? Even at major tournaments, don’t you allow your opponent to cling to the illusory hope of victory? Continue to increase your personal rating and move from the “average” player group to the category of true experts, fighting on exclusive billiard tables with unique quality equipment. Receive more and more rewards and win the first line in the prestigious global ranking, traveling far and wide throughout the entire game map, running through the streets of a sparkling metropolis!

Increasing the level of your profile, replacing novice opponents with masters of this exciting board game, participating in local and world tournaments, trying to get the most exclusive prizes as trophies – this is the main purpose and key task of the simulator Pooking - Billiards City from the MOUNTAIN GAME studio. Don’t stand still for a long time, pick up a cue and enjoy the realistic animation of 3D balls, precise physics of moving all elements, smooth touch controls and gradually increasing complexity. Plus, it’s all completely free, although it does come with ads.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 4.4W or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID
License Free app
Date updated Mar 23, 2024
Number of downloads 18684
Available languages

English (+94 localizations)

Download Pooking - Billiards City

Download Pooking - Billiards City (3.0.84) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7
80.08 MB

Old versions

How to Install Pooking - Billiards City on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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Global rating: 4.5 (3.3M)


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