Mini Block Craft Realm Craft Icon

Mini Block Craft Realm Craft


Download APK for Android 5.1+ 6.0.7 Free 140.96 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Craft building in mine game & create block house, start survive in mini 3D world

Screenshot Mini Block Craft Realm Craft 1
Screenshot Mini Block Craft Realm Craft 2
Screenshot Mini Block Craft Realm Craft 3
Screenshot Mini Block Craft Realm Craft 4
Screenshot Mini Block Craft Realm Craft 5
Screenshot Mini Block Craft Realm Craft 6
Screenshot Mini Block Craft Realm Craft 7

RealmCraft is a free sandbox game in which the game universe automatically generates locations, objects and events using procedural programming algorithms – this gives the game exceptional dynamism.

Gameplay. Multiplayer game. Players from all over the world work together on the same tasks – build houses, protect their living space, and fight against teams of other players. Players communicate with each other in the format of text and voice chat.

Playful activity requires resources from players. In order to take possession of the resources, players explore the ground and underground game world. In order to move quickly through the sandbox, players can fly freely over the surface of the game environment, which has five climate zones: 1) continental, 2) tropical, 3) equatorial, 4) oceanic, and 5) polar. Owning resources is a prerequisite, fulfilling which you can live and develop.

Another condition of life is the presence of weapons, without which you will not be able to defend yourself and your allies, or capture the living spaces of other players.

You can play in two modes:

  1. Construction is a format of creation in which players first build shelters, which, as the players develop, turn into full-fledged fortresses, and as the players cooperate mutually, a certain number of fortresses and houses turn into cities that, depending on the potential of allies, become able to dictate their terms to the inhabitants of these cities – other, less organized players.
  2. Survival mode – its internal logic is that the players play an aggressive game; players explore the game world in order to find resources from which to create weapons that can effectively destroy the structures of other players. In survival mode, players also hunt – this is another prerequisite, doing which you can keep your character alive.

Outcome. Look for resources and allies. Build houses and cities, and destroy buildings of other players.

Build your own universe and do it with your friends. Become a leader for the inhabitants of the sandbox RealmCraft , and for yourself – a center for making collective decisions.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 5.1 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID com.tellurionmobile.realmcraft
Developer Tellurion Mobile
License Free app
Date updated May 25, 2024
Number of downloads 1275
Available languages

English (+94 localizations)

Download Mini Block Craft Realm Craft

Download Mini Block Craft Realm Craft (6.0.7) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7
140.96 MB

Old versions

How to Install Mini Block Craft Realm Craft on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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