Translators for Android
Download Translator for free! A huge selection of the best Android games and apps for every taste. Find your favorite app for your cell phone or tablet!
Mobile expert in the field of translation of texts and conversations
4.7 Microsoft Corporation -
Online translator of text, voice and information in photos
4.7 Office Tools - PDF, Document Reader, QR & Scanner -
Translation of printed, spoken or photographed text
4.7 Reverso Technologies Inc. -
The only online and offline Dictionary and Thesaurus with every word you look up
4.7 – Farlex -
Translate text, voice and images quickly and easily!
4.3 Next Generation Apps Developers -
Photo translator with support for multiple recipient languages
Mobile translator with the most powerful functionality
3.8 iTranslate -
Instantly translate text from photos into over 100 languages.
4.4 voice -
VoiceTra is a speech translation application for travel phrases.
4.1 NICT -
Keyboard for instant translation of typed text into another language
4.3 Sami4Apps -
Powerful multilingual translator for offline work
4.5 ABBYY Mobile -
Enjoy one of the simplest and most useful programs and get your own translator in your smartphone
4.6 dreamappstudio -
Расшифровка по утверждению разработчика означает Miraculous Mighty Morse, что с английского чудесная могучая мышь
4.2 morsecode -
A universal translator for travel, study and communication!
4.7 iKame Applications - Begamob Global -
Instant translation of text and voice - 100 languages are always at hand!
4.3 AppNest™ -
Instant text and voice translation in 100 languages, even offline!
4.1 voicetranslator -
An easy and fast way to eliminate language barriers
3.9 Foto Translate -
Mobile translator from 60 languages
4.2 Hola Translate -
Mobile translator from / to more than 100 languages
3.6 esters.greatapp -
Translate NOW is an application that allows you to 1) translate from/into different languages, and 2) convert text messages to voice messages and vice versa
4 utility -
Voice and text translator is your indispensable assistant
1 Vale translate studio -
Translators download for Android