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Weather and wallpaper


Download APK for Android 6.0+ 2.44.6 Free 55.48 MB Original without MODs Trusted

Always be prepared for any weather conditions with your guide in your pocket

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Sometimes natural surprises catch us at the most inopportune moment, and often this happens precisely when we do not expect such surprises. Install the YoWindow Weather and wallpaper program on your smartphone and insure yourself against various natural disasters. Don’t forget one thing: nature doesn’t have bad weather, and if warm summer rain catches you somewhere, then this is a reason to be happy, not sad. But if you are warned about various weather phenomena that may suddenly catch you on the road, then this can be useful.

The program uses only trusted sources for weather forecasts, such as Foreca, Metar, Aeris Weather, NWS, Open Weather Map and others. Our forecast is based on radar data and satellite imagery. This is the most accurate forecast you can imagine. Monitor the weather throughout the week and have a fresh one on hand for the day ahead. We also provide our users with a 14-day forecast with a schedule by day of the week and day of the month.


  • Masterfully drawn natural landscapes and pictures of cities on the background screensaver.
  • Pictures change depending on the weather outside the window, indicating a visual forecast on the smartphone screen.
  • Scroll through the time dial and watch how the weather changes with each hour of the day during the day.
  • Sunrise and sunset, just like in real life. Moon phases correspond to reality.
  • Accurate weather forecast around the world.
  • Water temperature, probability of precipitation and ultraviolet index.
  • Automatic weather setting in geolocation that determines your location.
  • Interesting weather settings for your Android device.

It doesn’t matter where you are now, it could be anywhere in the world. We will always provide you with an accurate forecast anywhere in the world. Enjoy beautiful wallpapers and views on your smartphone screensaver or install live wallpapers that will display the current weather anywhere you are. Take advantage of useful weather widgets in the form of a weather clock, a weather forecast for a week or 14 days. Set our natural alarm clock right in the app and wake up to the pleasant sounds of birdsong or rain. Install a screensaver on your screensaver and receive the online weather forecast from YoWindow directly on your smartphone screen.

Specifications of the latest version

System requirements: Phone or device running on Android 6.0 or higher.

Additional Information
Google Play ID
Developer RepkaSoft
License Free app
Date updated May 24, 2024
Number of downloads 13
Available languages

English (+98 localizations)

Download YoWindow

Download YoWindow (2.44.6) APK
ARMv8, ARMv7, x86, x86-64
55.48 MB

How to Install YoWindow on Your Phone or Tablet

  1. Go to Settings > Security/Privacy and enable "Install from unknown sources."

  2. Download the APK file - click the big blue button. Confirm the download.

  3. Access the downloaded file, verify permissions, and tap to proceed. Enjoy!

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