Аудио аффирмации и медитация на каждый день. APK - Laatste versie
6.4.2 (200073)
by egorovsa
Meditatie en affirmaties voor elke dag. Voor succes, voor geld, voor liefde.
Nieuw in de nieuwste versie
We are pleased to introduce the new version. Now you can save your settings and phrases in our cloud. You just need to be authorized. You won’t miss anything when switching devices.
You can create your own program using a simple survey. You will receive a category with 10 phrases created especially for you.
App pages are now available separately from statements pages and are located in the bottom menu.
We hope you enjoy the new version!
Vereisten | Android 5.0+ |
Processorarchitectuur | arm64-v8a |
Naam pakket | com.success.motivation.affirmations |
Licentie | Gratis |
Soort bestand | APK (Android Package Kit) |
Bestandsnaam | com.success.motivation.affirmations_v6.4.2(200073).apk |
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Beoordelingen over Аудио аффирмации и медитация на каждый день. APK 6.4.2
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